Monday, June 1, 2009

Gaining Weight but Feeling Lousy

Well, we came home from MN with a cold.
Curt caught the cold in MN, I woke up on Wed
with it and Sawyer followed suit on Thurs.

It has been quite challenging - his stuffy nose
doesn't allow him to sleep or eat much which
you guessed it... keeps us up!

We had a wonderful distraction last night -
our friends John and Kelly came for dinner
and a visit. It was wonderful to see them!!
They also proved to have the magic touch
with Sawyer.

Sawyer has also overcome his fear and anxiety
that accompanied bath time. He now enjoys
his warm soaks and hardly makes a peep when
we scrub him.

During last nights bath we noticed that our little man is
getting chubby - check out those boobs!! HA!

We took him in to see his doctor this morning to make
sure this cold is not developing into something more and
when she put him on the scale he is a whopping
10 lbs, 10 oz. He has jumped from 25th to 50th percentile
in just two weeks.
His cold is just a cold although he does have a bit of fluid
in his left ear - no infection at this point - but we are off
to the chiropractor to make sure it stays that way!!
Other noteworthy comments... Last Wednesday Sawyer
smiled back at us and it wasn't gas - such a great feeling!
There haven't been too many smiles while sick, but
we will get some pictures of that grin soon!! And
yesterday he was in his swing and followed me as I
walked across the room. Such a big boy!!