Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov 1 Activity

We had a fun day today... trying to settle into new routines, roles, etc.

Sawyer loved having his morning milk through his skeleton straw

The boys take turns in Cooper's activity stations

Sawyer is very concerned about Coopers Nuk and alerts us when it falls out OR he announces "Uh Oh" when he pulls it out!

Cooper received a gorgeous blanket from the Collins family...

We help Cooper several times a day by giving him his Nuk

I decided I needed to get proper pictures of the boys in their Halloween costumes.
Cooper cooperated....

Sawyer -- not so much =)

Auntie Andrea sent each of the boys their own blankets that she made with love... they are DARLING!! Cooper posed so nice with his... Sawyer was over having his photo taken today.